Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Configuring servers and server components using Auto Config
The Auto Config feature configures and provisions all the components in a server in a single operation. These components
include BIOS, iDRAC, and PERC. Auto Config automatically imports a Server Configuration Profile (SCP) XML or JSON file
containing all configurable parameters. The DHCP server that assigns the IP address also provides the details for accessing the
SCP file.
SCP files are created by configuring a gold configuration server. This configuration is then exported to a shared NFS, CIFS,
HTTP or HTTPS network location that is accessible by the DHCP server and the iDRAC of the server being configured. The SCP
file name can be based on the Service Tag or model number of the target server or can be given as a generic name. The DHCP
server uses a DHCP server option to specify the SCP file name (optionally), SCP file location, and the user credentials to access
the file location.
When the iDRAC obtains an IP address from the DHCP server that is configured for Auto Config, iDRAC uses the SCP to
configure the servers devices. Auto Config is invoked only after the iDRAC gets its IP address from the DHCP server. If it does
not get a response or an IP address from the DHCP server, then Auto Config is not invoked.
HTTP and HTTPS file sharing options are supported for iDRAC firmware or later. Details of the HTTP or HTTPS
address need to be provided. In case the proxy is enabled on the server, the user needs to provide further proxy settings to
allow HTTP or HTTPS to transfer information. The -s option flag is updated as:
Table 9. Different Share Types and pass in values
-s (ShareType) pass in
NFS 0 or nfs
CIFS 2 or cifs
HTTP 5 or http
HTTPS 6 or https
NOTE: HTTPS certificates are not supported with Auto Config. Auto Config ignores certificate warnings.
Following list describes the required and optional parameters to pass in for the string value:
-f (Filename): name of exported Server Configuration Profile file. This is required for iDRAC firmware versions prior to
-n (Sharename): name of network share. This is required for NFS or CIFS.
-s (ShareType): pass in either 0 for NFS, 2 for CIFS, 5 for HTTP and 6 for HTTPS. This is a mandatory field for iDRAC
firmware versions
-i (IPAddress): IP address of the network share. This is a mandatory field.
-u (Username): username that has access to network share. This is a mandatory field for CIFS.
-p (Password): user password that has access to network share. This is a mandatory field for CIFS.
-d (ShutdownType): either 0 for graceful or 1 for forced (default setting: 0). This is an optional field.
-t (Timetowait): time to wait for the host to shutdown (default setting: 300). This is an optional field.
-e (EndHostPowerState): either 0 for OFF or 1 for ON (default setting 1). This is an optional field.
The additional option flags are supported in iDRAC firmware or later to enable the configuration of HTTP proxy
parameters and set the retry timeout for accessing the Profile file:
pd (ProxyDefault): Use default proxy setting. This is an optional field.
pt (ProxyType): The user can pass in http or socks (default setting http). This is an optional field.
ph (ProxyHost): IP address of the proxy host. This is an optional field.
pu (ProxyUserName): username that has access to the proxy server. This is required for proxy support.
pp (ProxyPassword): user password that has access to the proxy server. This is required for proxy support.
po (ProxyPort): port for the proxy server (default setting is 80). This is an optional field.
to (Timeout): specifies the retry timeout in minutes for obtaining config file (default is 60 minutes).
Setting up managed system