Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 21. iDRAC user privileges (continued)
Current Generation Prior Generation Description
System Control Control and configure
Allows power cycling the host system.
Access Virtual
Access Virtual Console
Redirection (for blade
Access Virtual Console (for
rack and tower servers)
Enables the user to run Virtual Console.
Access Virtual Media Access Virtual Media Enables the user to run and use Virtual Media.
System Operations Test Alerts Allows user initiated and generated events, and information is sent as
an asynchronous notification and logged.
Debug Execute Diagnostic
Enables the user to run diagnostic commands.
Recommended characters in user names and
This section provides details about the recommended characters while creating and using user names and passwords.
NOTE: The password must include one uppercase and one lower case letter, one number and a special character.
Use the following characters while creating user names and passwords:
Table 22. Recommended characters for user names
Characters Length
- ! # $ % & ( ) * / ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ + < = >
Table 23. Recommended characters for passwords
Characters Length
' - ! " # $ % & ( ) * , . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ + < = >
NOTE: You may be able to create user names and passwords that include other characters. However, to ensure
compatibility with all interfaces, Dell recommends using only the characters listed here.
NOTE: The characters allowed in user names and passwords for network shares are determined by the network-share type.
iDRAC supports valid characters for network share credentials as defined by the share type, except <, >, and , (comma).
NOTE: To improve security, it is recommended to use complex passwords that have eight or more characters and include
lowercase alphabets, uppercase alphabets, numbers, and special characters. It is also recommended to regularly change the
passwords, if possible.
134 Configuring user accounts and privileges