Reference Guide

To create an AutoBackup Schedule.
racadm systemconfig backup [-f <filename>] <target> [-n <passphrase>][-l
<location> -u <user name> -p <password>] [--vFlash] -time <time> [-dom
<DayOfMonth>] [-wom <WeekOfMonth>] [-dow <DayofWeek>] -rp <repeat> -mb
To view an AutoBackup Schedule.
racadm systemconfig getbackupscheduler
To delete an AutoBackup Schedule.
racadm systemconfig clearbackupscheduler
NOTE: After the parameters are cleared, the AutoBackupScheduler is disabled. To schedule the
backup again, enable the AutoBackupScheduler.
-nSpecies a pass phrase used to encrypt or decrypt the conguration data. The pass phrase must
have 8 to 32 characters, and one upper and lower case character.
NOTE: This pass phrase is optional.
-lSpecies the network share location, can be either CIFS or NFS.
-fSpecies the image location and the le name.
NOTE: If the le is in a subfolder within the share location, then specify the network share
location in the –l option and specify the subfolder location and the lename in the –f option.
-uSpecies the user name for the remote share access.
-pSpecies the password for the remote share access.
--vFlash — Selects vFlash SD as target location for back up.
--nopreserve — Deletes all the virtual disks and congurations.
-time: Species the time to schedule an autobackup in HH:MM format. This parameter must be specied.
-dom: Species the day of month to schedule an autobackup. Valid values are 1–28, L(Last day) or '*'
(default — any day).
-wom: Species the week of month to schedule an autobackup. Valid values are 1–4, L(Last week) or '*'
(default — any week).
-dow: Species the day of week to schedule an autobackup. Valid values are sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri,
sat, or '*' (default — any day).
NOTE: The -dom, -wom, or -dow option must be included in the command for the autoupdate
schedule. The * value for the options must be included within ' ' (single quotation mark).
If the -dom option is specied, then the -wom and -dom options are not required.
If the-wom option is specied, then the-dow is required and -dom is not required.
If the-dom option is non-'*', then the schedule repeats by month.
If the-wom option is non-'*', then the schedule repeats by month.
If the-dom and -wom options are '*' and the -dow option is non-'*', then the schedule repeats by
If all the three -dom, -wom and -dow options are '*', then the schedule repeats by day.
-rp: Species the repeat parameter. This parameter must be specied.
If the-dom option is specied, then the valid values for -rp are 1–12.
If the-wom option is specied, then the valid values for -rp are 1–52
If the-dow option is specied, then the valid values for -rp are 1–366.
-mb: Species the maximum backup parameter. For --vflash maximum backup is 1.
Avoid using the -l, -u, and -p options with --vFlash option.
If a backup le is created in a subfolder within the CIFS shared folder, then the subfolder name must
be mentioned in the lename option.
Job ID is displayed when the back up or restore operation is successful.