Release Notes

Workaround Enable the iDRAC Direct USB port from system setup to bring iDRAC to a consistent state.
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number 120296
Getting an error while downloading DUP using
Redfish interface
Description If you initiate a simple update through Redfish interface while another update is in progress, you may get an error
message "RED006: Unable to download Update Package".
Workaround Perform the update after the ongoing update is complete.
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number 119390
Updates through Redfish Simple Update Transfer
Protocol failing
Description Redfish Simple Update through Transfer Protocol fails when run as first update operation after a configuration
reset to defaults. Further updates in other interfaces fail and during the failure new jobs are created and need to
be manually deleted. Additionally, once the Redfish simple update through transfer protocol is successful, some
WSMan update command might fail.
Workaround Reset the iDRAC and try again.
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number 122401
Getting partial screen on online video player
In systems with add-in video card and an embedded video controller in disabled state, if the boot capture option is
set to Capture Until End of POST, then the captured video may display partial screens.
Workaround If the system configuration has a add-in video controller, set the boot capture option to Capture Until Buffer
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number 118432
Unsupported RAID level displayed
While creating a virtual disk (VD) with controller in eHBA mode, unsupported RAID levels may be displayed.
Selecting an unsupported RAID level, may cause the job to fail
Workaround Powercycle the system.
Systems affected All systems supported by this release.
Tracking number 116586
SEL not reporting drive events
In a storage configuration with multiple backplanes, some drive sensors may get disabled resulting in drive events
not being reported in the SEL.
Known issues — To be fixed in future releases 15