CLI Guide

Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency Not applicable
The objects in this group manages the UEFI boot settings.
BIOS.UefiBootSettings.UefiBootSeq (Read or Write)
Table 1049. Details of BIOS.UefiBootSettings.UefiBootSeq attribute
Description Controls the UEFI boot order. The first option in the list is tried first. If unsuccessful, the second option is tried and
so on. This property is applied only when Boot Mode is UEFI and not BIOS.
Legal Values Enum Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency None
BIOS.UefiBootSettings.UefiPxeIpVersion (Read or Write)
Table 1050. Details of BIOS.UefiBootSettings.UefiPxeIpVersion attribute
Description Enables to select the IPv4 PXE booting (default) or IPv6 PXE booting when in UEFI boot mode. This property is
disabled in BIOS boot mode. If this property is modified, the PXE options in the UEFI boot sequence is replaced on
the next restart.
Legal Values
Default Value Not Applicable
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC Express or iDRAC Enterprise
Dependency None
The objects in this group manage the FC device.
FC.FCDevice.BusDeviceFunction (Read Only)
Table 1051. Details of FC.FCDevice.BusDeviceFunction attribute
Indicates the enumerated PCI Bus, Device, and Function value as a single string.
Legal Values Not Applicable
444 Database Objects With Get and Set Commands