Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 13. Firmware updatesupported components for MX platforms
Component Name Firmware Rollback
Supported? (Yes or
Restart Required?
Restart Required?
Lifecycle Controller
Diagnostics No No No No
OS Driver Pack No No No No
iDRAC Yes No No* Yes
BIOS Yes Yes Yes Yes
RAID Controller Yes Yes Yes Yes
BOSS Yes Yes Yes Yes
NVDIMM No Yes Yes Yes
Backplanes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enclosures Yes Yes No Yes
NIC Yes Yes Yes Yes
Power Supply Unit No No No No
CPLD No Yes Yes Yes
FC Cards Yes Yes Yes Yes
NVMe PCIe SSD drives Yes Yes No No
SAS/SATA hard drives No Yes Yes No
OS Collector No No No No
* Indicates that though a system restart is not required, iDRAC must be restarted to apply the updates. iDRAC communication and
monitoring may temporarily be interrupted.
When you check for updates, the version marked as Available does not always indicate that it is the latest version available. Before you
install the update, ensure that the version you choose to install is newer than the version currently installed. If you want to control the
version that iDRAC detects, create a custom repository using Dell Repository Manager (DRM) and configure iDRAC to use that repository
to check for updates.
使用 iDRAC Web 界面更新固件
您可以使用在本地系统中可用的固件映像从网络共享(CIFSNFSHTTP HTTP)存储库或 FTP 更新设备固件。
: 确保用于单个组件 DUP 的文件名不包含任何空格。
要使用 iDRAC Web 界面更新单个设备固件:
1. 转至维护 > S 系统更新
2. 更新选项卡中,选择本地作为位置类型
: 如果您选择本地,请确保将固件映像下载到本地系统上的某个位置。选择要暂存到 iDRAC 以用于更新的一个文件。可以
选择要上载到 iDRAC 的附加文件,一次一个文件。这些文件将上载到 iDRAC 上的一个暂存空间,其总大小限制为约
3. 单击浏览,为所需组件选择固件映像文件,然后单击上载
4. 上载完成后,将在更新详细信息部分显示每个已上载到 iDRAC 的固件文件及其状态。
72 设置受管系统