Users Guide

3 opens, 1 notifications, 1394 updates
6 keepalives, 0 route refresh requests
Sent 48 messages, 0 in queue
3 opens, 2 notifications, 0 updates
43 keepalives, 0 route refresh requests
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds
Minimum time before advertisements start is 0 seconds
Capabilities received from neighbor for IPv4 Unicast :
Capabilities advertised to neighbor for IPv4 Unicast :
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP table version 1395, neighbor version 1394
Prefixes accepted 1 (consume 4 bytes), 0 withdrawn by peer
Prefixes advertised 0, rejected 0, 0 withdrawn from peer
Connections established 3; dropped 2
Last reset 00:00:12, due to Missing well known attribute
Notification History
'UPDATE error/Missing well-known attr' Sent : 1 Recv: 0
'Connection Reset' Sent : 1 Recv: 0
PDU Counters
The Dell Networking OS version introduces additional counters for various types of PDUs sent and received from neighbors.
These are seen in the output of the show ip bgp neighbor command.
Sample Congurations
The following example congurations show how to enable BGP and set up some peer groups. These examples are not comprehensive
directions. They are intended to give you some guidance with typical congurations.
To support your own IP addresses, interfaces, names, and so on, you can copy and paste from these examples to your CLI. Be sure that you
make the necessary changes.
The following illustration shows the congurations described on the following examples. These congurations show how to create BGP
areas using physical and virtual links. They include setting up the interfaces and peers groups with each other.
Border Gateway Protocol IPv4 (BGPv4)