Reference Guide
When more than one interface is added to a Layer 2-port channel, Dell Networking OS selects one of the active interfaces in the
port channel to be the primary port. The primary port replies to ooding and sends protocol data units (PDUs). An asterisk in the
show interfaces port-channel brief command indicates the primary port.
As soon as a physical interface is added to a port channel, the properties of the port channel determine the properties of the physical
interface. The conguration and status of the port channel are also applied to the physical interfaces within the port channel. For
example, if the port channel is in Layer 2 mode, you cannot add an IP address or a static MAC address to an interface that is part of
that port channel.
Example of Error Due to an Attempt to Congure an Interface that is Part of a Port Channel
Dell(conf)#int port-channel 128
Dell(conf-if-po-128)#show config
interface Port-channel 128
mtu 12000
portmode hybrid
fip-snooping port-mode fcf
no shutdown
link-bundle-monitor enable
Reassigning an Interface to a New Port Channel
An interface can be a member of only one port channel. If the interface is a member of a port channel, remove it from the rst port
channel and then add it to the second port channel.
Each time you add or remove a channel member from a port channel, Dell Networking OS recalculates the hash algorithm for the
port channel.
To reassign an interface to a new port channel, use the following commands.
1. Remove the interface from the rst port channel.
no channel-member interface
2. Change to the second port channel INTERFACE mode.
interface port-channel id number
This command is applicable only in PMUX mode.
3. Add the interface to the second port channel.
channel-member interface
Example of Moving an Interface to a New Port Channel
The following example shows moving the TenGigabitEthernet 0/8 interface from port channel 4 to port channel 3.
Dell(conf-if-po-4)#show config
interface Port-channel 4
channel-member TenGigabitEthernet 0/8
no shutdown
Dell(conf-if-po-4)#no chann tengi 0/8
Dell(conf-if-po-4)#int port 3
Dell(conf-if-po-3)#channel tengi 0/8
Dell(conf-if-po-3)#sho conf
interface Port-channel 3
Link Aggregation