Reference Guide

When more than one interface is added to a Layer 2-port channel, Dell Networking OS selects one of the active interfaces in the
port channel to be the primary port. The primary port replies to ooding and sends protocol data units (PDUs). An asterisk in the
show interfaces port-channel brief command indicates the primary port.
As soon as a physical interface is added to a port channel, the properties of the port channel determine the properties of the physical
interface. The conguration and status of the port channel are also applied to the physical interfaces within the port channel. For
example, if the port channel is in Layer 2 mode, you cannot add an IP address or a static MAC address to an interface that is part of
that port channel.
Example of Error Due to an Attempt to Congure an Interface that is Part of a Port Channel
Dell(conf)#int port-channel 128
Dell(conf-if-po-128)#show config
interface Port-channel 128
mtu 12000
portmode hybrid
fip-snooping port-mode fcf
no shutdown
link-bundle-monitor enable
Reassigning an Interface to a New Port Channel
An interface can be a member of only one port channel. If the interface is a member of a port channel, remove it from the rst port
channel and then add it to the second port channel.
Each time you add or remove a channel member from a port channel, Dell Networking OS recalculates the hash algorithm for the
port channel.
To reassign an interface to a new port channel, use the following commands.
1. Remove the interface from the rst port channel.
no channel-member interface
2. Change to the second port channel INTERFACE mode.
interface port-channel id number
This command is applicable only in PMUX mode.
3. Add the interface to the second port channel.
channel-member interface
Example of Moving an Interface to a New Port Channel
The following example shows moving the TenGigabitEthernet 0/8 interface from port channel 4 to port channel 3.
Dell(conf-if-po-4)#show config
interface Port-channel 4
channel-member TenGigabitEthernet 0/8
no shutdown
Dell(conf-if-po-4)#no chann tengi 0/8
Dell(conf-if-po-4)#int port 3
Dell(conf-if-po-3)#channel tengi 0/8
Dell(conf-if-po-3)#sho conf
interface Port-channel 3
Link Aggregation