CLI Guide

Table Of Contents
Legal Values
Integral values from 1 to 60
Default Value 10
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required
Dependancy None
iDRAC.DelegatedAuthConfig.AuthServerTransferTimeout (Read or
The maxium time in seconds allowed to perform the HTTP GET request of the ServerURL and jwks_url
Legal Values
Integral values from 1 to 600
Default Value 30
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required
Dependancy None
iDRAC.DelegatedAuthConfig.JwkCacheTime (Read or Write)
Maximum time in seconds a JWK will be cached. A value of -1 indicates that there is no cache timeout, 0
disables the cache.
Legal Values
Integral values from -1 to 604800
Default Value 10800
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required
Dependancy None
iDRAC.DelegatedAuthConfig.TokenTimeSlack (Read or Write)
The maximum clock skew in seconds that is accepted when verifying the "nbf" and "exp" parameters of a
Legal Values
Integral values from 0 to 600
Default Value 60
Write Privilege Configure iDRAC
License Required
Dependancy None
This group contains the attributes that provide details about email alerts.
iDRAC Attributes