How to Use

Table 1-41. LAN Commands
Command NetFn CMD O/M Supported
Set LAN Configuration
Parameters (Note: Parameter 9
and 25 are not supported.)
Transport 01h M Yes
Get LAN Configuration
Parameters (Note: Parameter 9
and 25 are not supported.)
Transport 02h M Yes
Suspend BMC ARP Transport 03h O No
Get IP/UDP/RMCP Statistics Transport 04h O No
Table 1-42. PEF/PET Alerting Commands
Command NetFn CMD O/M Supported
Get PEF Capabilities S/E 10h M Yes
Arm PEF Postpone Timer S/E 11h M Yes
Set PEF Configuration
S/E 12h M Yes
Get PEF Configuration
S/E 13h M Yes
Set Last Processed Event ID S/E 14h M Yes
Get Last Processed Event ID S/E 15h M Yes
Alert Immediate S/E 16h M Yes
PET Acknowledge S/E 17h M Yes