Owner's manual

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System Overview
Front-Panel Features
Back-Panel Features
System Features
Supported Operating Systems
Power Protection Devices
Other Documents You May Need
Obtaining Technical Assistance
This section describes the major hardware and software features of your system, including front- and back-panel indicators, and provides information about
connecting external devices to the system and using power protection devices. It also lists other documents that you may need to install and operate your
system, as well as how to obtain technical assistance.
Front-Panel Features
Figure1-1 shows the front-panel features and indicators of the system. To remove the optional bezel and access the switches and indicators on the front
panel, press the latch at each end of the bezel. See Figure1-1.
Figure 1-1. Front-Panel Features
The power button controls the power input to the system's power supply.
The two system identification buttons on the front and back panels can be used to locate a particular system within a rack. When one of these buttons is
pushed or the systems management software is used to identify the system, the blue system status indicators on the front and back of the system blink. (To
stop the indicator from blinking, press one of the identification buttons a second time, or use the systems management software.)
The front panel also incorporates a USB connector and a video connector. See Figure1-1.
Table1-1 describes the indicators on the system front panel.