Quick Reference Guide

Command Groups 33
Command Groups
The Command Language Interface (CLI) is a network management application operated through
an ASCII terminal without the use of a Graphic User Interface (GUI) driven software application.
By directly entering commands, you have greater configuration flexibility. The CLI is a basic
command-line interpreter similar to the UNIX C shell.
A device can be configured and maintained by entering commands from the CLI, which is based
solely on textual input and output with commands being entered from a terminal keyboard and the
output displayed as text via a terminal monitor. The CLI can be accessed from a VT100 terminal
connected to the console port of the device or through a Telnet connection from a remote host.
The first time you use the CLI from the console a Setup Wizard is invoked. The Setup Wizard
guides you in setting up a minimum configuration, so that the device can be managed from the Web
Based Interface. Refer to the Getting Started Guide and User Guide for more information on the
Setup Wizard.
This guide describes how the Command Line Interface (CLI) is structured, describes the command
syntax, and describes the command functionality.
This guide also provides information for configuring the Dell™ PowerConnect™ switch, details the
procedures and provides configuration examples. Basic installation configuration is described in the
User’s Guide and must be completed before using this document.
Command Groups
The system commands can be broken down into the functional groups shown below.
Command Group Description
ACL Commands Configures and displays ACL configuration and information.
AAA Commands Configures connection security including authorization and
Address Table Commands Configures bridging address tables.
Configuration and Image Files Commands Manages the device Configuration files.
Clock Commands Configures clock commands on the device.
DHCP Snooping Commands Configures DHCP snooping and displays DHCP configuration
and DHCP information.
5400_CLI.book Page 33 Wednesday, December 17, 2008 4:33 PM