Users Guide

Uporaba monitora | 51
Poruke upozorenja OSD izbornika
Kada je značajka Dynamic Contrast (Dinamički kontrast) omogućena (u sljedećim
unaprijed postavljenim načinima: Game (Igre) ili Movie (Film), ručno prilagođavanje
svjetline je onemogućeno.
Dell P1917S/P1917SWh
To allow manual adjustment of brightness, the Dynamic Contrast
will be switched off.
Do you want to continue?
Dell P2017H
To allow manual adjustment of brightness, the Dynamic Contrast
will be switched off.
Do you want to continue?
Dell P2217/P2217Wh
To allow manual adjustment of brightness, the Dynamic Contrast
will be switched off.
Do you want to continue?
Ako monitor ne podržava određeni način razlučivosti, prikazat će se sljedeća poruka:
Dell P1917S/P1917SWh
The current input timing is not supported by the monitor display.
Please change your input timing to
1280x1024, 60Hz
or any
other monitor listed timing as per the monitor specifications.