Reference Guide

Severity OK / Normal / Informational
Cause and Action Cause: A physical disk that was assigned as a hot spare has been unassigned and is no longer functioning
as a hot spare. The physical disk may have been unassigned by a user or automatically unassigned by
Storage Management. Storage Management unassigns hot spares that have been used to rebuild data.
Once data is rebuilt, the hot spare becomes a member of the virtual disk and is no longer assigned as a
hot spare. You need to assign a new hot spare to maintain data protection in this situation. On the CERC
SATA1.5/6 ch, and CERC SATA1.5/2s controllers, if you use another application such as the BIOS to
include a hot spare in a virtual disk, then Storage Management unassigns the physical disk as a hot spare.
Action: Although this alert is provided for informational purposes, you may need to assign a new hot
spare to the virtual disk.
Related Alert
Clear Alert Number: None
Related Alert Number: None
Local Response Agent (LRA) Number: None
Event ID 2100
Description Temperature exceeded the maximum warning threshold.
Severity Warning / Non-critical
Cause and Action Cause: The physical disk enclosure is too hot. A variety of factors can cause the excessive temperature.
For example, a fan may have failed, the thermostat may be set too high, or the room temperature may be
too hot.
Action: Check for factors that may cause overheating. For example, verify that the enclosure fan is
working. You should also check the thermostat settings and examine whether the enclosure is located
near a heat source. Make sure the enclosure has enough ventilation and that the room temperature is not
too hot. See the physical disk enclosure documentation for more diagnostic information.
Related Alert
Clear Alert Number: 2353
Related Alert Number: 2112
Local Response Agent (LRA) Number: 2090
Event ID 2101
Temperature exceeded the maximum warning threshold.
Severity Warning / Non-critical
Cause and Action Cause: The physical disk enclosure is too cool.
Action: Check if the thermostat setting is too low and if the room temperature is too cool.
Related Alert
Clear Alert Number: 2353
Related Alert Number: None
Local Response Agent (LRA) Number: 2090
68 Storage Management Message Reference