Release Notes

Workaround: Register it manually by running the below command:
regsvr32 Scrrun.dll
It is not possible to run the CLI commands on the same console windows after the Server Administrator is installed.
Workaround: Open a new console window to run the CLI commands.
Description: During installation or uninstallation of Server Administrator on system where the web download version of
Server Diagnostics(version 2.x) or Server Update Utility is running, the Windows Installer Service may display a message
stating, specific files required by the Server Administrator are in use by diagnostics or by Server Update Utility.
Workaround: Click Ignore and continue.
Tracking ID: 62159.
Description: On Microsoft Windows Server operating system, the listener creation link on the prerequisite checker screen
does not work.
Workaround: Create the HTTPS listener using winrm command-line utility. Refer the Server Administrator Installation
Guide for more information.
Tracking ID: 332601.
User Notes for Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
SUSE Linux Enterprise server and VMware ESXi
Operating Systems
Description: The OpenIPMI device driver that is used by Server Administrator conflicts with the Intel IMB device driver.
Workaround: Uninstall the IMB driver before installing Server Administrator.
Description: When Server Administrator is installed on a system, dependency issues that are related to RPMs may occur.
Workaround: Install the missing RPMs from SYSMGMT/srvadmin/linux/RPMS/supportRPMS. If the RPMs are not
available in this directory, install them from the operating system media.
Tracking ID: 341495
Description: On a Linux Operating Systems with nautilus file managerGnome Desktop Environmentlaunching Server
Administrator using the desktop icon displays a pop-up window, Untrusted application launcher.
Workaround: The behavior is because of vulnerability fix mentioned in CVE-2017-14604. It occurs only when the Server
Administrator is launched for the first time by using the desktop icon. Click Trust and Launch to proceed with launching
Server Administrator.
Description: As per PCR-732, systems with Linux operating system, RPMs, and web packs are signed with RSA/SHA512
Description: On RedHat Enterprise Linux Server operating systems, installing or removing Server Administrator SELinux
policy(srvadmin-selinux), when Server Administrator services are running causes the services to restart.
Important notes