Reference Guide

Viewing Events in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server
1 Log in as root.
2 Use a text editor such as vi or emacs to view the le named /var/log/messages.
The following example shows the Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server message log, /var/log/messages. The text in
boldface type indicates the message text.
NOTE: These messages are typically displayed as one long line. In the following example, the message is displayed using line
breaks to help you see the message text more clearly.
Feb 6 14:20:51 server01 Server Administrator: Instrumentation Service EventID: 1000
Server Administrator starting
Feb 6 14:20:51 server01 Server Administrator: Instrumentation Service EventID: 1001
Server Administrator startup complete
Feb 6 14:21:21 server01 Server Administrator: Instrumentation Service EventID: 1254Chassis
intrusion detected Sensor location: Main chassis intrusion Chassis location: Main System Chassis
Previous state was: OK (Normal) Chassis intrusion state: Open
Feb 6 14:21:51 server01 Server Administrator: Instrumentation Service EventID: 1252Chassis
intrusion returned to normal Sensor location: Main chassis intrusion Chassis location: Main
System Chassis Previous state was: Critical (Failed) Chassis intrusion state: Closed
Viewing Events in VMware ESXi
1 Log in to the system running VMware ESXi with VMware vSphere Client.
2 Click View > Administration > System Logs.
3 Select Server Log > /var/log/messages entry from the drop-down list.
Viewing the Event Information
The event log for each operating system contains some or all of the following information:
Date — The date the event occurred.
Time — The local time the event occurred.
Type — A classication of the event severity: Information, Warning, or Error.
User — The name of the user on whose behalf the event occurred.
Computer — The name of the system where the event occurred.
Source — The software that logged the event.
Category — The classication of the event by the event source.
Event ID — The number identifying the particular event type.
Description — A description of the event. The format and contents of the event description vary, depending on the event type.