Reference Guide

Event ID — 2190
Description The controller has detected a hot-add of an enclosure.
Severity OK / Normal / Informational
Cause and Action Cause: This alert is for informational purposes.
Action: None
Related Alert
Clear Alert Number: None
Related Alert Number: None
Local Response Agent (LRA) Number: None
Event ID — 2191
Description Multiple enclosures are attached to the controller. This is an unsupported conguration.
Severity Critical / Failure / Error
Cause and Action Cause: There are too many enclosures attached to the controller port. When the enclosure limit is exceeded, the
controller loses contact with all enclosures attached to the port.
Action: Remove the last enclosure. You must remove the enclosure that has been added last and is causing the
enclosure limit to exceed.
Related Alert
Clear Alert Number: None
Related Alert Number: 2211
Local Response Agent (LRA) Number: 2091
Event ID — 2192
The virtual disk Check Consistency has made corrections and completed.
Severity Informational
Cause and Action Cause: The virtual disk Check Consistency has identied errors and made corrections. For example, the Check
Consistency may have encountered a bad disk block and remapped the disk block to restore data consistency. This
alert is for informational purposes.
Action: None. As a precaution, monitor the alert log for other errors related to this virtual disk. If problems persist,
contact Technical Support.
112 Storage Management Message Reference