Install Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 5. Command Line Settings for MSI Installer
Setting Result
/f[p|o|e|d|c|a|u |m|s|v]<Package|
This command repairs a product.
/fp This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing.
/fo This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or if an
older version of a file is installed.
/fe This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or an
equal or older version of a file is installed.
/fd This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or a
different version of a file is installed.
/fc This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or the
stored checksum value does not match the calculated value.
/fa This option forces all files to be reinstalled.
/fu This option rewrites all required user-specific registry
/fm This option rewrites all required system-specific
registry entries.
/fs This option overwrites all existing shortcuts.
/fv This option runs from the source and re-caches the
local package. Do not use this reinstall option for the first
installation of an application or feature.
This command installs a product in a specific location. If you
specify an install directory with this switch, it must be created
manually prior to executing the CLI install commands or they
fail without displaying an error message.
/i <SysMgmt or SysMgmtx64>.msi INSTALLDIR=c:
\OpenManage /qn installs a product to a specific location
where c:\OpenManage is the install location.
CP_MESSAGE_FORMAT=<enhanced | traditional>
This command sets the alert message type to Enhanced
Message Format (recommended) or Traditional Message
For example, running msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi /qn installs Server Administrator features on each remote system
based on the system's hardware configuration. This installation is done silently and unattended.
Customization Parameters
REINSTALL and REMOVE customization CLI parameters provide a way to customize the exact software features to install,
reinstall, or uninstall when running a silent or unattended installation. With the customization parameters, you selectively install,
reinstall, or uninstall software features for different systems using the same unattended installation package. For example, you
can choose to install Server Administrator, but not Remote Access Controller service on a specific group of servers, and choose
to install Server Administrator, but not Storage Management Service, on another group of servers. You can also choose to
uninstall one or multiple features on a specific group of servers.
NOTE: Type the REINSTALL, and REMOVE CLI parameters in upper case, as they are casesensitive.
You can include the REINSTALL customization parameter on the command line and assign the feature ID (IDs) of the software
feature that you want to reinstall. For example, msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi REINSTALL=BRCM /qb
This command runs the installation for Systems Management and reinstalls only the Broadcom agent, in an unattended but not
silent mode.
You can include the REMOVE customization parameter on the command line and assign the feature ID (IDs) of the software
feature that you want to uninstall. For example, msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi REMOVE=BRCM /qb
This command runs the installation for Systems Management and uninstalls only the Broadcom agent, in an unattended but not
silent mode.
Installing Managed System Software On Microsoft Windows Operating Systems