Users Guide

Using Microsoft Active Directory 167
Figure 9-1. Typical Setup for Active Directory Objects
In addition, you can set up Active Directory objects in a single domain or in
multiple domains. Setting up objects in a single domain does not vary, whether
you are setting up RAC, Server Administrator, or IT Assistant objects. When
multiple domains are involved, however, there are some differences.
For example, you have two DRAC 4 cards (RAC1 and RAC2) and three
existing Active Directory users (user1, user2, and user3). You want to give
user1 and user2 an Administrator privilege on both DRAC 4 cards and give
user3 a Login privilege on the RAC2 card. Figure 9-2 shows how you set up
the Active Directory objects in this scenario.
Association Object
User(s) Group(s)
Privilege Object
Dell Product(s)
RAC Privilege
RAC Device Object
Server Administrator
Privilege Object
IT Assistant
Privilege Object
Server Administrator
Application Object
IT Assistant
Application Object