Owner's Manual

omconfig storage Commands 211
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure
controller=id vdisk=id raid=<c| r0| r1| r1c| r5|
r6| r10> pdisk=<PDISK> [size=<size>
vdcapacityexpansion=yes sizeinpercent=<1 to 100>]
Example Syntax to reconfigure
To reconfigure virtual disk 4 to a size of 800 MB, use RAID-5 and physical
disks 0 through 3 on connector 0 of controller 1. On a SAS controller, the
physical disks reside in enclosure 2.
Example for SCSI, SATA, and ATA Controllers
In this example, type:
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure
controller=1 vdisk=4 raid=r5 size=800m pdisk=
Example for SAS Controllers
In this example, type:
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure
controller=1 vdisk=4 raid=r5 pdisk=
Example Syntax to resize
To increase the size of the virtual disk by 20 percent using the available free
space, use RAID-5 and physical disks 0 through 3 on connector 0 of controller
1. On a SAS controller, the physical disks reside in enclosure 2.
In this example, type:
omconfig storage vdisk action=reconfigure
controller=1 vdisk=4 raid=r5 pdisk=
0:2:0,0:2:1,0:2:2,0:2:3 vdcapacityexpansion=yes
NOTE: vdcapacityexpansion parameter is supported only on PERC H700 and PERC
H800 controllers. If you set vdcapacityexpansion=yes, you should specify
sizeinpercent. If you do not set vdcapacityexpansion, you should specify size.