Users Guide

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Frequently Asked Questions
Why is a rebuild not working?
How can I safely remove or replace a physical disk?
How do I recover from removing the wrong physical disk?
How do I know what firmware is installed?
What controllers do I have?
How do I turn off an alarm?
What RAID level is best for me?
This section provides frequently asked questions that address situations commonly experienced in a storage environment.
Why is a rebuild not working?
See "A Rebuild Does Not Work" for more information.
How can I safely remove or replace a physical disk?
The following sections provide information related to safely removing a healthy physical disk:
l For disks that reside in an enclosure, use the "Prepare to Remove" task to locate the disk within the enclosure and deactivate it prior to removal.
l For physical disks included in a virtual disk, use the Offline task to deactivate the disk prior to removal. See "Online and Offline" for more information. If
you need help locating the disk within the enclosure, you can blink the disk's light-emitting diode (LED) displays. See "Blink and Unblink (Physical Disk)
"for more information.
The following sections describe how to replace a disk that has failed or is receiving SMART alerts:
l "Replacing a Failed Disk"
l "Replacing a Physical Disk Receiving SMART Alerts"
The following sections have related information:
l "Moving Physical and Virtual Disks from One System to Another"
l "Recovering from Removing the Wrong Physical Disk"
l "Protecting Your Virtual Disk with a Hot Spare"
How do I recover from removing the wrong physical disk?
See "Recovering from Removing the Wrong Physical Disk" for more information.
How do I know what firmware is installed?
The controller's properties information displays the firmware version that is installed on the controller. From the Storage tree view object, you can display the
firmware version for all controllers attached to the system. (A controller's Information/Configuration subtab also displays the firmware installed on that