Users Guide

Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: None.
SNMP Trap Number: 1001. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.
Description: A foreign configuration has been detected.
Cause: This alert is provided for informational purposes. The controller has physical disks that were moved from another controller. These physical disks
contain virtual disks that were created on the other controller. See "Foreign Configuration Operations" and "Clear Foreign Configuration" for more information.
Action: None.
Severity: OK/Normal/Informational. See "Alert Severity Levels" for more information.
Clear Alert Number: None.
Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: None.
SNMP Trap Number: 751. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.
Description: The NVRAM is corrupt. The controller is reinitializing the NVRAM.
Cause: The nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM) is corrupt. This may ocurr after a power surge, a battery failure, or for other reasons. The controller is
reinitializing the NVRAM. The controller properties will reset to the default settings after the reinitialization is complete.
Action: None. The controller is taking the required corrective action.
Severity: Warning/Noncritical. See "Alert Severity Levels" for more information.
Clear Alert Number: None.
Related Alert Number: 2266
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: 2060
SNMP Trap Number: 753. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.