Users Guide

Description: The controller battery Learn cycle has timed out.
Cause: The controller battery must be fully charged before the Learn cycle can begin. The battery may be unable to maintain a full charge causing the Learn
cycle to timeout. In addition, the battery must be able to maintain cached data for a specified period of time in the event of a power loss. For example, some
batteries maintain cached data for 24 hours. If the battery is unable to maintain cached data for the required period of time, then the Learn cycle will timeout.
Action: Replace the battery pack. The battery is unable to maintain a full charge.
Severity: Warning/Noncritical. See "Alert Severity Levels" for more information.
Clear Alert Number: None.
Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: 2100
SNMP Trap Number: 1153. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.
Description: The controller battery Learn cycle has been postponed.
Cause: This alert is provided for informational purposes.
Action: None.
Severity: OK/Normal/Informational. See "Alert Severity Levels" for more information.
Clear Alert Number: None.
Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: None.
SNMP Trap Number: 1151. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.
Description: The controller battery Learn cycle will start in %1 days.
Cause: This alert is provided for informational purposes. The %1 indicates a substitution variable. The text for this substitution variable is displayed with the
alert in the Alert Log and can vary depending on the situation.
Action: None.