Users Guide

Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: None.
SNMP Trap Number: 1201. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.
Description: A mirrored virtual disk has been unmirrored.
Cause: This alert is provided for informational purposes. A user has caused a mirrored virtual disk to be unmirrored. When a virtual disk is mirrored, its data is
copied to another virtual disk in order to maintain redundancy. After being unmirrored, the disk formerly used as the mirror returns to being a physical disk and
becomes available for inclusion in another virtual disk.
Action: None.
Severity: OK/Normal/Informational. See "Alert Severity Levels" for more information.
Clear Alert Number: None.
Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: None.
SNMP Trap Number: 1201. See "SNMP Support for Storage Management Alerts" for more information.
Description: The write policy has changed.
Cause: This alert is provided for informational purposes. A user has changed the write policy for a virtual disk.
Action: None.
Severity: OK/Normal/Informational. See "Alert Severity Levels" for more information.
Clear Alert Number: None.
Related Alert Number: None.
Local Response Agent (LRA) Alert Number: None.