Users Guide

5. Click Execute.
You can also locate this task from the Change Controller Properties drop down menu. For more information, see "Change Controller Properties."
Create Virtual Disk
Does my controller support this feature? See "Supported Features"
Use the Create Virtual Disk task to launch the Create Virtual Disk Express Wizard. See "Create Virtual Disk Express Wizard (Step 1 of 2)" for more information.
Enable Alarm (Controller)
Does my controller support this feature? See "Supported Features"
Use the Enable Alarm task to enable the controller's alarm. When enabled, the alarm sounds in the event of a device failure.
Disable Alarm (Controller)
Does my controller support this feature? See "Supported Features"
Use the Disable Alarm task to disable the controller's alarm. When disabled, the alarm does not sound in the event of a device failure.
Quiet Alarm (Controller)
Does my controller support this feature? See "Supported Features."
Use the Quiet Alarm task to quiet the controller's alarm when it is sounding. After it is quieted, the alarm is still enabled in the event of a future device failure.
Test Alarm (Controller)
Does my controller support this feature? See "Supported Features."
Use the Test Alarm task to test whether the controller alarm is functional. The alarm will sound for about two seconds.
Set Rebuild Rate
Does my controller support this feature? See "Supported Features."
Use the Set Rebuild Rate task to change the rebuild rate. See "Set Rebuild Rate" for more information.
NOTE: The Test Alarm task is only available on the CERC SATA1.5/6ch controller.