Owner's Manual

Installing, Uninstalling, and Upgrading Dell OpenManage ITAssistant 75
To ensure that the database is detached, perform the following steps:
Start the ODBC Data Source Administrator by clicking the
Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Data Sources
Select the
System DSN
Ensure that there no system data source with the name
(local IT Assistant database).
If such a system data source exists, click
to delete this data source.
On the management station, navigate to the Data folder under the SQL
Server installation directory. By default, the installation path is C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. Copy the IT Assistant database file,
ITAssist_Data.mdf to a location on the remote database system. For this
example, let us consider the desired path to be DB_PATH.
On the remote database system, attach the database file, ITAssist_Data.mdf
located in DB_PATH to the local SQL Server. You can do this by executing
the following SQL statement against the local master database:
exec sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname=
NOTE: The first argument @dbname specifies the name of the database and should
always be ITAssist. The second argument @physname specifies where the
database file is located and you should always use the correct location of file,
If there are several instances of the SQL Server on the remote database
system, then you can execute the above SQL statement and attach ITAssist
to any one instance of your SQL Server. However, it is recommended that
ITAssist be attached to the default instance of the local master database.
This can be viewed in the SQL Server group of the SQL Enterprise Manager.
All non-default instances of the SQL Server will have the instance name
attached to it. For this example, consider MYINST1 and MYINST2 as the
two non-default instances of the SQL Server. These SQL Server instances
REMOTE_DB_SERVER\MYINST2. This can also be viewed in the
SQL Server group of the SQL Enterprise Manager. If the remote database