Users Guide

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Retrieving the old certicate from Managed Object Browser (MOB)
You can retrieve the old certicate for the vCenter server system by connecting to Platform Service Controller (PSC) by using the
Managed Object Browser (MOB).
To retrieve the old certicate, you should nd the sslTrust eld of the ArrayOfLookupServiceRegistrationInfo managed object by
performing the following steps:
NOTE: In this guide, the C:\certicates\ folder location is used to store all certicates.
Create the C:\certicates\ folder on PSC by using the following command: mkdir C:\certificates\.
2. Open the following link in a browser: https://<vCenter FQDN/IP address>/lookupservice/mob?
3. Log in with the administrator@vsphere.local user name and provide the password when prompted.
NOTE: If you are using a custom name for vCenter Single Sign-On (SSO) domain, use that user name and password.
4. In lterCriteria, modify the value eld to show only the tags <ltercriteria></ltercriteria> and click Invoke Method.
5. Search for the following hostnames depending on the certicates that you are replacing:
Table 6. Search criteria information
Trust anchors Search criteria
vCenter server Use Ctrl+F to search, on
the page
Platform Services Controller Use Ctrl+F to search, on
the page
6. Locate the value of the corresponding sslTrust eld. The value of the sslTrust eld is Base64 encoded string of the old
7. Use the following examples when updating the Platform Services Controller or vCenter Server trust anchors.
NOTE: The actual string is shortened signicantly to improve legibility.
For vCenter server
Table 7. vCenter server example
Name Type Value
url anyURI https://vcenter.vmware.local:443/sdk
For Platform Services Controller
Table 8. Platform Services Controller example
Name Type Value
url anyURI https://psc.vmware.local/sts/STSService/
8. Copy the content of the sslTrust eld into a text document and save the document as old_machine.txt.
9. Open the old_machine.txt in a text editor.
10. Append the following at the starting and end of the old_machine.txt le respectively:
11. Save old_machine.txt now as old_machine.crt.
You can now extract the thumbprint from this certicate.