Users Guide

Use this section to nd answers to troubleshooting questions. This section includes:
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This section contains some common questions and solutions.
OMIVV cannot act as a provisioning server during the auto discovery process
If OMIVV IP address is used as a provisioning server in the iDRAC settings for the newly added Dell servers, these Dell servers will
not be auto discovered. The auto discovery process fails as OMIVV 3.2 does not support MD5 encrypted SSL certicate signatures
to enhance more secure encryption.
Resolution: None.
Intermittent Inventory failure for 1st time after OSD
In case of intermittent inventory failure post rst time deployment, user might observe the error "No inventory record found for the
host <IP / Host name>"
Resolution: Intermittent inventory failure post rst time OSD can be resolved by running the inventory manually.
Test connection for iDRAC in the connection prole page fails in DNC once OSD is successful
After OS deployment, immediate test connection to iDRAC fails and shows an error, "Fail - Unable to connect to iDRAC" in the
connection prole page.
Resolution: This issue occurs since BMC is unable to obtain an IP address. To resolve this issue, you must restart the management
network. If the issue still persist, user will have to restart the ESXi host.
Dell privileges that are assigned while registering the OMIVV appliance are not removed after
unregistering OMIVV
After registering vCenter with an OMIVV appliance, several Dell privileges are added to the vCenter privilege list. Once you
unregister vCenter from the OMIVV appliance, the Dell privileges are not removed.
NOTE: Although the Dell privileges are not removed, there is no impact to any OMIVV operations.
Version Aected: 3.1