Setup Guide

7. Select the license le, and then click Upload.
NOTE: The license le might be packaged inside a .zip le. Ensure that you unzip the .zip le and upload only the
license .xml le. The license le is likely to be named based on your order number, such as 123456789.xml.
Options after uploading Licenses
License le for new purchases
When you place an order for purchasing a new license, an email is sent from Dell about the order conrmation, and you can
download the new license le from the Dell Digital store that is available at The license is in
an .xml format. If the license is in a .zip format, extract the license .xml le from the .zip le before uploading.
Stacking licenses
Starting from the OMIVV version 2.1, OMIVV can stack multiple standard licenses to increase the number of supported hosts to the
sum of the hosts in the uploaded licenses. An evaluation license cannot be stacked. The number of supported vCenter servers
cannot be increased by stacking, and requires the use of multiple appliances.
There are some restrictions around the functionality of stacking licenses. If a new standard license is uploaded before the existing
standard license expires, the licenses stack. Otherwise, if the license expires and a new license is uploaded, only the number of hosts
from the new license is supported. If there are already multiple licenses uploaded, the number of supported hosts are the sum of the
hosts in the non-expired licenses at the time the last license was uploaded.
Expired licenses
Licenses that are past their support duration, typically three or ve years from the date of purchase are blocked from being
uploaded. If licenses have expired after being uploaded, functionality for existing hosts continues; however upgrades to new versions
of the OMIVV are blocked.
Replacement of licenses
If there is a problem with your order and you receive a replacement license from Dell, the replacement license contains the same
entitlement ID of the previous license. When you upload a replacement license, the license is replaced if a license was already
uploaded with the same entitlement ID.
Appliance updates
The appliance does not allow updates to newer versions when all licenses are expired. Obtain and upload a new license before
attempting to upgrade the appliance.
Evaluation License
When an evaluation license expires, several key areas cease to work, and an error message is displayed.
Adding hosts to connection proles
When you attempt to add a host to a connection prole, if the number of licensed 11th Generation or newer hosts exceeds beyond
the number of licenses, adding extra hosts is prevented.