White Papers

© 2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
34. Attribute Name: Use Independent Target Name
Attribute Group: iSCSI Secondary Device Parameters
Attribute Name in CSV: UseIndTgtName
Attribute Description: Use Independent Target Name when multipath I/O is enabled
35. Attribute Name: Use Independent Target Portal
Attribute Group: iSCSI Secondary Device Parameters
Attribute Name in CSV: UseIndTgtPortal
Attribute Description: Setting to use independent target portal when multipath I/O is enabled
36. Attribute Name: Virtual FIP MAC Address
Attribute Group: Main Configuration Page
Attribute Name in CSV: VirtFIPMacAddr
Attribute Description: Programmatically assignable FIP-MAC address for FCoE. Virtual addresses
written will also generate corresponding VWWNN and VWWPN addresses as defined in Y741D. The
supported method of reverting to the permanent FIP-MAC address is by writing 0's as the virtual
address. If the virtual address has not been set or if it has been cleared by the defined method, its
value shall be returned as 0's. If supported, the current address value should be readable at all times,
irrespective of feature enablement.
37. Attribute Name: Virtual iSCSI Offload MAC Address
Attribute Group: Main Configuration Page
Attribute Name in CSV: VirtIscsiMacAddr
Attribute Description: Programmatically assignable MAC address for iSCSI offload. Programmatic
write for support of I/O Identity feature. The supported method of reverting to the permanent MAC
address is by writing 0's as the virtual address. If the virtual address has not been set or if it has been
cleared by the defined method, its value shall be returned as 0's. If supported, the current address
value should be readable at all times, irrespective of feature enablement.
38. Attribute Name: Virtual MAC Address
Attribute Group: Main Configuration Page
Attribute Name in CSV: VirtMacAddr
Attribute Description: Programmatically assignable MAC address. Programmatic write for support of
I/O Identity feature. The supported method of reverting to the permanent MAC address is by writing
0's to the virtual MAC. If the virtual address has not been set or if it has been cleared by the defined
method, its value shall be returned as 0's. If supported, the current address value should be readable
at all times, irrespective of feature enablement.
39. Attribute Name: Virtual MAC Address
Attribute Group: Partition n Configuration
Attribute Name in CSV: VirtMacAddr[Partition:n]
Attribute Description: Programmatically assignable MAC address. Programmatic write for support of
I/O Identity feature. Replace n with the number of the partition. The supported method of reverting to
the permanent MAC address is by writing 0's as the virtual address. If the virtual address has not
been set or if it has been cleared by the defined method, its value shall be returned as 0's. If
supported, the current address value should be readable at all times, irrespective of feature and
partition enablement.
40. Attribute Name: Virtual Port GUID
Attribute Group: Main Configuration Page
Attribute Name in CSV: VirtPortGUID
Attribute Description: Programmatically assignable Port GUID. Virtual addresses written will also
generate corresponding GUID as defined in Y741D. The supported method of reverting to the
permanent GUID is by writing 0's as the virtual address. If the virtual address has not been set or if it