Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Views in OMIMSSC
View all the devices discovered in OMIMSSC in Configuration and Deployment page along with their hardware and firmware
inventory information. Also, view all the jobs with status in Jobs and Logs Center page.
Server View
Modular Systems view
Cluster View
Maintenance Center view
Jobs and Logs Center
Server View
The Server View page lists all unassigned and host servers that are discovered in OMIMSSC under Unassigned Servers and
Hosts tabs.
In Unassigned Servers tab, view the iDRAC IP address, service tag, model, generation, processor speed, memory of the
server, template compliance status for assigned Operational Template, Modular Systems service tag if it is a modular server,
and hardware compatibility information. On hovering over the Hardware Compatibility column, you can view the versions
of BIOS, iDRAC, LC, and driver packs of the device. For more information about hardware compatibility, see About firmware
In Hosts tab, view host name, iDRAC IP address, service tag, model, generation, processor speed, memory of the server,
Modular Systems service tag if it is a modular server, clusters Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) if the server is part of
a cluster, template compliance status for assigned Operational Template, and hardware compatibility information. On hovering
over the Hardware Compatibility column, you can view the versions of BIOS, iDRAC, LC, and driver packs of the device. For
more information about hardware compatibility, see About firmware update.
You can perform the following tasks on Server View page:
Discover servers
View updated information, by refreshing the page.
Delete servers from OMIMSSC.
Synchronize with enrolled Microsoft console.
Resolving synchronization errors.
Assign Operational Template and run Operational Template compliance.
Deploy Operational Template .
Correlate servers to cluster group and the Modular System to which the server belongs to.
Launch iDRAC console
To view servers:
1. In OMIMSSC console extension, click Configuration and Deployment, and then click Server View.
2. Expand Configuration and Deployment, and click Server View.
3. To view bare-metal servers, click Unassigned Servers tab.
4. To view host servers, click Hosts tab.
a. To view host groups in nested format as grouped in MECM or SCVMM, click Select Console Hosts drop-down menu.
The Select Console Hosts drop-down menu lists all the host groups present in MECM along with an internal group name. If
you select the internal group name, all the hosts that are discovered and managed in MECM and OMIMSSC are displayed.
After discovering servers, consider the following points:
The Operational Template column is displayed as Not Assigned, after the servers are discovered. To update firmware and
deploy operating system on these servers, assign and deploy Operational Templates. For more information, see Managing
Operational Templates.
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