Users Guide

Retrieving the Status Execution Progress of a Discovery Range
Description: The Get-DiscoveryStatus command allows you to get the progress of a discovery range. Enter the
ranges either using an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying
IPs, Ranges, or Host Names Using XML or CSV Files.
PS> Get-DiscoveryStatus —Range <rangeName>
PS> Get-Discovery -RangeList <RangeList.xml>
PS> Get-Discovery -GroupName <group name>
PS> Get-DiscoveryStatus —Range
PS> Get-Discovery -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml
PS> Get-Discovery -GroupName Group1
Stopping a Running Discovery Range or Group
Description: For any range, only one type of task, such as discovery, discovery and inventory, or status polling, can run
at a given time. The
Set-StopTask command allows you to stop a task associated with a discovery range or the
tasks associated with the ranges belonging to a discovery range group.
PS> Set-StopTask -Range <rangename>
PS> Set-StopTask -GroupName <groupname>
PS> Set-StopTask -Range
PS> Set-StopTask -GroupName Group1
Creating a Custom Device Group
Description: The Add-CustomGroup command allows you to create a custom device group in the device tree. If
required, you can add devices to the group after it is created.
NOTE: Using OpenManage Essentials CLI, you can only create static groups which contain a finite list of servers.
You can create dynamic groups based on queries using the OpenManage Essentials console. For more
information, see Creating a New Group.
PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName>
PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName> –DeviceList <DeviceList.xml>
PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName> -Devices <comma separated list
of devices>
PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName MyServers –DeviceList .\Samples