Users Guide

the DiscoveryProfile.xml file. For more information about the DiscoveryProfile.xml and RangeList.xml files, see Creating a
Discovery Profile Input File and Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files.
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -Range
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -RangeList
PS>Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -
RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml
Editing a Discovery Range Group
Description: The Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup command allows you to edit an existing discovery range
group. You can change the protocols for the discovery range group by specifying a
DiscoveryProfile.xml file which
changes the current protocol settings for the specified group. For information about the DiscoveryProfile.xml file, see
Creating a Discovery Profile Input File.
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName <groupname> –Profile
<DiscoveryProfile.xml> -AddRangeList <rangelist .xml or .csv file>
Change a discovery range group’s discovery profile and add new ranges to the discovery range group using
a .xml file:
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -Profile .
\samples\snmp_only.xml -AddRangeList .\samples\new_ranges.xml
Change a discovery range group’s discovery profile and add new ranges to the discovery range group using
a .csv file:
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -Profile .
\samples\snmp_only.xml -AddRangeListCSV .\samples\new_ranges.csv
Add new ranges to a discovery range group using a .xml file (retaining the previously discovered profile):
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -AddRangeList .
Add new ranges to a discovery range group using .csv (retaining the previously discovered profile):
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -
AddRangeListCSV .\samples\new_ranges.csv
Enabling a Discovery Range or Discovery Range Group
Description: The Set-EnableDiscoveryRange command allows you to enable a discovery range or a discovery
range group. Enter the ranges either using an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the
file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files.
PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRange -Range <range>
PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRange -RangeList <RangeList.xml>