Users Guide

Preferences — Reference
In the Preferences page, you can configure the OpenManage Essentials console. You can set the SMTP and proxy
server information, adjust session timeout, database maintenance schedules, restart services, create custom URL menu
items, enable or disable internal alerts, observe daylight savings time, and enable or disable the ActiveX features.
NOTE: After modifying the console settings, click Apply to save the changes. Navigating to another portion of the
console without clicking Apply resets the settings to the previously saved preferences.
Related Links
Console Settings
Email Settings
Alert Settings
Custom URL Settings
Warranty Notification Settings
Device Group Permissions
Console Settings
Field Description
Console Session Timeout Amount of user-inactive time that passes before the
console automatically logs the user out.
Database Maintenance Execution Schedule The date and time when the database maintenance
activity will begin.
NOTE: It is recommended not to run or schedule any
task (discovery, inventory, status polling, and so on)
during database maintenance, as the console is less
responsive during database maintenance.
Restart All OpenManage Essentials Services Restarts the services associated with OpenManage
Security Settings (ActiveX)
Allow MIB Import Utility Launch Installs and runs an ActiveX component on the client
machine to launch the MIB Import Utility.
Allow Remote Desktop Launch Installs and runs an ActiveX component on the client
machine to launch remote desktop sessions.
Allow Troubleshooting Tool Launch Installs and runs an ActiveX component on the client
machine to launch the Dell Troubleshooting Tool.
ActiveX Status Displays the ActiveX status. Click Refresh Status to
refresh the ActiveX status.
Time Zone Settings