Users Guide

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4. Click Apply.
The proxy settings are saved.
Enable or disable SupportAssist maintenance mode
About this task
SupportAssist maintenance mode places all monitored devices in maintenance mode, suspends alert processing and automatic
case creation. However, SupportAssist does not restricts other operations such as periodic and manual collections, connectivity
check, and so on. In this mode, a yellow Maintenance Mode banner is displayed on top of the page. Enable this mode to prevent
the creation of support cases during downtime or a routine maintenance activity. For more information about SupportAssist
maintenance mode, see SupportAssist maintenance mode on page 43.
1. From the Plugins menu, select SupportAssist > Settings.
2. On the Settings page, click SupportAssist Maintanance.
3. To enable maintenance mode, select Suspend SupportAssist activities (including case creation and collection) for all
supported devices.
4. To place all monitored devices in maintenance mode, on the confirmation message displayed, click Yes.
If SupportAssist Maintenance Mode is enabled, a Maintenance mode banner is displayed on the OpenManage Enterprise
SupportAssist user interface.
Enable or disable group-level SupportAssist
maintenance mode
About this task
If you have a planned maintenance activity for a device group and do not want SupportAssist to process alerts from the devices
in the group, you can place that device group in maintenance mode. After the maintenance activity is completed, you can
remove the device group from the maintenance mode, enabling SupportAssist to process alerts from the device normally. For
more information about SupportAssist maintenance mode, see SupportAssist maintenance mode on page 43.
1. From the OpenManage Enterprise menu, click Devices.
2. In the left pane, in the PLUGIN GROUPS section, expand the SupportAssist group.
3. To place a device group in SupportAssist Maintenance mode, click the vertical ellipses next the group, and click
Enable SupportAssist Maintenance mode from the list. To disable the SupportAssist Maintenance mode, click Disable
SupportAssist Maintenance mode.
Enable or disable device-level SupportAssist
maintenance mode
About this task
If you have a planned maintenance activity for a specific device and do not want SupportAssist to process alerts from that
device, you can place the device in maintenance mode. After the maintenance activity is completed, you can remove device
from maintenance mode, enabling SupportAssist to process alerts from the device normally. For more information about
SupportAssist maintenance mode, see SupportAssist maintenance mode on page 43.
Configuring OpenManage Enterprise SupportAssist settings