Owner's Manual

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/dtk/3_5/readme/Windows_README.TXT[10/22/2012 4:29:56 PM]
password, hostname, and community string, using characters
such as <space>, "<," ">," "|," "=" on the command line can be
misinterpreted by the command line parser and may cause errors.
Use only alphanumeric characters to avoid these errors.
- If you set the username using the syscfg "username" option,
SOL access for the corresponding user will be enabled by
default. You can disable SOL access for a user using the
"syscfg solaction --userid=<userid> --action=disable" command.
- The maximum reliably supported baud rates (--solbitrate) are:
- 19200 for PowerEdge x8xx systems.
- 57600 for PowerEdge x9xx systems without Dell Remote
Access Controller 5 (DRAC 5).
- 115200 for PowerEdge x9xx systems with DRAC 5.
If you enter an unsupported baud rate, you may receive an error,
"Parameter out of range."
- When creating virtual disks, the chunk (stripe) size is always
in KBs. Do not specify any units of measure for the chunk size.
- When providing multiple physical disks for the "create
virtual disk" command, do not separate the disks with spaces.
For example, "-ad=1:4, 1:5" causes an error. The correct way
to display multiple physical disks is "-ad=1:4,1:5,1:6."
- If you change the controller mode from SCSI mode to RAID mode,
data loss may occur. Back up any data you require
before changing the modes.
* If you delete a virtual disk on PERC 4I/M on Windows PE, you need
to reboot the system for the changes to take effect.
* You cannot delete a virtual disk on CERC SATA 2S when RAID 1 is
created with the "--clear" option. The virtual disk can be cleared
from the controller BIOS.
* Perform copy operations using the "XCOPY" command, because the
DOS "COPY" command may fail when copying across a network share.
The message "invalid file handle" may be displayed. This issue
is specific to R805 and R900 systems and is an intermittent
error that is usually caused by the network connection.
If the problem persists, check your network settings.