Quick Reference Guide

--embnic1pxe enable, disable This option enables or disables PXE on the first
embedded NIC. If PXE is disabled, the first NIC
is not found in the boot order. If PXE is enabled,
the first NIC is placed at the end of the boot
order. This option is only present on systems that
do not support the embnic1 option. This option
can be replicated.
A:>syscfg --embnic1pxe=enable
--embnic2pxe enable, disable This option enables or disables PXE on the
second embedded NIC. If PXE is disabled, the
second NIC is not found in the boot order. If PXE
is enabled, the second NIC is placed at the end of
the boot order. This option is only present on
systems that do not support the embnic2 option.
This option can be replicated.
A:>syscfg --embnic2pxe=disable
Table 3-2. SYSCFG Options and Arguments for BIOS Configuration (continued)
Option Valid Arguments Description