Quick Reference Guide

racadm setrac [-h -o -T -d]
This command sets time, managed system name, operating system name, or
operating system type from the managed system to the RAC. If no options are
entered, all four parameters are set. The -d option allows the user to display
the parameters only without actually writing them to the RAC firmware.
Any combination of options, or no options, may be entered.
Table 6-23. setrac Subcommand
Command Definition
setrac Sets RAC parameters from the managed system.
Table 6-24. setrac Subcommand Options
Option Description
-h Gets the Hostname from the managed system and writes it to the RAC.
This parameter is available for viewing using the getsysinfo command, and
under the object ID interface using config/getconfig as
[ifcRacManagedNodeOs] ifcRacMnOsHostname.
-o Gets the OS Name from the managed system and writes it to the RAC.
This parameter is available for viewing under the object ID interface using
config/getconfig as [ifcRacManagedNodeOs] ifcRacMnOsName.
-T Gets the OS Type from the managed system and writes it to the RAC.
This parameter is available for viewing using the getsysinfo command and
under the object ID interface using config/getconfig as
[ifcRacManagedNodeOs] ifcRacMnOsOsType.
-d The -d, or display option, allows the user to get the UTC time,
Hostname, OS Name, and OS Type from the managed system and
display these items only. Parameters are not written to the RAC. If the
-d option is entered along with other options, then those parameters are
displayed only.