Owner's Manual

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/dtk/2.4/Readme/readme_linux.txt[10/23/2012 9:50:38 AM]
- Some options may not be present on all systems, which may
be due to the BIOS version or hardware feature set. The usage
information generated by running SYSCFG without arguments shows
only those options that are valid for your system.
- The "--devseq" option is present only if you have an
available, bootable hard-disk partition. If this option is
present in the configuration file, but not present on your
system, you will receive a usage error.
- If you perform operations that change the "--redmem"
option, reboot the system immediately. This is applicable
to command line usage as well as "--infile" usage.
NOTE: Additionally, the "--redmem" option should not be
issued with any other command and should be
immediately followed by a system reboot. This is
important when you develop scripts that can alter
the "--redmem" setting.
- For options that use text strings such as username,
password, hostname, and community string, using characters
such as <space>, "<," ">," "|," "=" on the command line can be
misinterpreted by the command line parser and may cause errors.
To avoid such errors, use only alphanumeric characters.
- If you set the username using syscfg username option, SOL access
for the corresponding user will be enabled by default. You can
disable SOL access for a user using "syscfg solaction
--userid=<userid> --action=disable" command.
- The maximum reliably supported baud rates ( --solbitrate ) are:
- 19200 for PowerEdge x8xx systems.
- 57600 for PowerEdge x9xx systems without Dell Remote
Access Controller 5 (DRAC 5).
- 115200 for PowerEdge x9xx systems with DRAC 5.
If you enter an unsupported baud rate, you may receive an
error, "Parameter out of range."
- When creating virtual disks, the chunk (stripe) size is always
in KB. Do not specify any units for the chunk size.
- When providing multiple physical disks for the "create