Reference Guide

Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Reference Guide
file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/smcliins/cli76/en/refgd/Index.htm[11/16/2012 2:58:47 PM]
13 = A flash memory failure occurred
14 = A general failure occurred
15 = A data miscompare error occurred
16 = The image could not be found in memory
17 = No update operation has been performed
DellInstanceID This property defines the instance ID of this class.
Description A short desccription of the device.
EnableUpdate This property is used by Dell OpenManage to enable a Remote Flash BIOS update on the next boot. Dell OpenManage Client Administrator (OMCA) will automatically set this property to Enabled during remote
flash BIOS operations.
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unknown
3 = Enable
4 = Disable
LastBIOSUpdate This property defines the date of last BIOS update.
MinimumSizeofContiguousMemory This property defines the minimum size of contiguous memory required for remote BIOS update.
SettingID The identifier by which the Setting object is known.
Support This property defines whether remote flash BIOS updates are supported by this system.
The following values are defined:
1 = This system supports remote flash BIOS update
2 = This system does not support remote flash BIOS update
AGPSlot Enables or disables the on-board AGP slot.
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Enabled
4 = Disabled
AmbientLightSensor Enables or Disables the Ambient Light Sensor.
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Enabled
4 = Disabled
ASFMode Sets the ASF (Alert Standard Format) mode.
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Disabled
4 = Enabled
5 = AlertingOnly
AudioMode Onboard audio mode. Disabled mode completely unassigns the onboard hardware resources. Half duplex mode allows only record or playback. Full duplex mode can record and playback sounds simultaneously
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Disabled
4 = Half Duplex
5 = Full Duplex
AutoOn This property defines the auto-on configuration: disabled, everyday or weekdays (Monday-Friday).
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Disabled
4 = Every day
5 = Weekdays
AutoOnHour This defines the hour when to turn on the system (0-23).
AutoOnMinute This defines the minutes when to turn on the system (0-59).
BluetoothDevice Enables or disables Bluetooth Device.
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Enabled
4 = Disabled
BootSequence This defines the boot sequence for the next system boot. Boot Sequence information can be found under the class Dell_BootDeviceSequence
with OMCI 6.1
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unsupported
3 = Diskette First
4 = Hard Disk Only
5 = Device List
6 = CD ROM First
BuiltinFloppy This property defines whether the built-in Floppy controller is enabled, auto or read-only.
The following values are defined: