Reference Guide
Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation Reference Guide
file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/smcliins/cli76/en/refgd/Index.htm[11/16/2012 2:58:47 PM]
61 = Bytes
62 = Words (data)
63 = DoubleWords
64 = QuadWords
65 = Percentage
Caption The caption of the device.
CreationClassName Creation class name indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and
its subclasses to be uniquely identified.
CurrentReading The current value indicated by the Sensor.
Description A short description of the voltage sensor.
DeviceID An address or other identifying information to uniquely name the logical device.
Location Identifies the physical location of the voltage probe.
The following values are defined:
1 = Other
2 = Unknown
3 = Processor
4 = Disk
5 = Peripheral Bay
6 = System Management Module
7 = Motherboard
8 = Memory Module
9 = Processor Module
10 = Power Unit
11 = Add-in Card
LowerThresholdCritical The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under Normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions. If the CurrentReading is between
LowerThresholdCritical and LowerThresholdFatal, then the CurrentState is Critical.
LowerThresholdFatal The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under Normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions. If the CurrentReading is below
LowerThresholdFatal, then the CurrentState is Fatal.
LowerThresholdNonCritical The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under Normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions. If CurrentReading is between
LowerThresholdNonCritical and UpperThresholdNonCritical, then the Sensor is reporting a normal value. If CurrentReading is between LowerThresholdNonCritical and LowerThresholdCritical, then the
CurrentState is NonCritical.
MaxReadable MaxReadable indicates the largest value of the measured property that can be read by the NumericSensor.
MinReadable MinReadable indicates the smallest value of the measured property that can be read by the NumericSensor.
Name The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.
NominalReading NominalReading indicates the 'normal' or expected value for the NumericSensor.
NormalMax NormalMax provides guidance for the user as to the normal maximum range for the NumericSensor.
NormalMin NormalMin provides guidance for the user as to the normal minimum range for the NumericSensor.
RateUnits Specifies if the units returned by this Sensor are rate units.
The following Values are defined:
0 = None
1 = Per MicroSecond
2 = Per MilliSecond
3 = Per Second
4 = Per Minute
5 = Per Hour
6 = Per Day
7 = Per Week
8 = Per Month
9 = Per Year
Resolution Resolution indicates the ability of the Sensor to resolve differences in the measured property.This value may vary depending on whether the Device is linear over its dynamic range.
SensorType The Type of the Sensor.
The following values are defined:
0 = Unknown
1 = Other
2 = Temperature
3 = Voltage
4 = Current
5 = Tachometer
6 = Counter
7 = Switch
8 = Lock
9 = Humidity
10 = Smoke Detection
11 = Presence
12 = Air Flow
Status This property indicates the current status of the logical device.
The following values are defined:
0 = OK
1 = Error
2 = Degraded
3 = Unknown
4 = Pred Fail
5 = Starting
6 = Stopping
7 = Service
8 = Stressed
9 = NonRecover
10 = No Contact
11 = Lost Comm
12 = Stopped
SystemCreationClassName The scoping System's Creation class name.