User's Manual

Using the BMC Management Utility 67
NOTE: When Reboot and Activate Console Redirection is selected and power for the remote managed system is
on, a power off IPMI command is issued. The power status is then continually monitored until the power status
reports “off.” If power status remains “on” longer than this timeout period, Reboot and Activate Console
Redirection reports an error and returns to the top-level menu. This timeout value is specified in seconds and can
be changed during SOL Proxy installation.
For example:
Retry Interval
Specifies the period of time in seconds that the BMC waits before it tries to resend a packet. The
retry_interval unit is half a second. Therefore, a value of 2 means that the software waits one second for
the BMC to respond before it tries to resend the packet, a value of 4 means that it waits two seconds, and
so on. For example:
Retry Count
Specifies the maximum number of times that the software tries to resend a packet if it does not receive a
response from the BMC. Before each retry, the software waits for the interval specified by the
retry_interval parameter. For example:
User Interface
Specifies the default settings for SOL Proxy startup. The user can edit and set this comment in the
command or menu mode. For example:
Sol Loss Silent
Specifies system behaviour when one or more SOL packets is lost. The possible values are 0 and 1. If it is
set to 0 or is absent, the system will print an error message on the screen each time an SOL packet is lost.
If it is set to 1, the system will not print error messages for loss of SOL packets. For example:
sol_loss_silent=0 or 1
Sol Loss Threshold
Specifies number of SOL packets that can be lost before SOL deactivation. The default value is 0, which
means that the system will deactivate SOL, if any SOL packets are lost. For example,