Users Guide

88 Terminal Mode Commands
Table B-4. Terminal Mode Configuration
Byte Explanation
1 [7:6]—Reserved.
[5]—Line Editing.
0b = Disable.
1b = Enable (Factory default).
[3:2]—Delete control (only applies when line editing is enabled).
00b = BMC outputs a <Delete> character when <Backspace> or <Delete> is
01b = BMC outputs a <Backspace>< SP ><Backspace> sequence when
<Backspace> or
<Delete> is received (Factory default).
[1]—Echo control0b = No echo 1b = Echo (BMC echoes characters it receives)
(Factory default).
[0]—Handshaking—BMC outputs a [SYS]<newline> after receiving each terminal
mode IPMI message and is ready to accept the next message.
0b = Disable.
1b = Enable (Factory default).
2 [7:4] - Output newline sequence (BMC to console). Selects what characters the BMC
uses as the <newline> sequence when the BMC writes a line to the console in
Terminal Mode.
0h = no termination sequence.
1h = <CR-LF> (Factory default)
2h = <NULL>
3h = <CR>
4h = <LF-CR>
5h = <LF>
All other = reserved
[3:0] - Input newline sequence (Console to BMC). Selects what characters the console
uses as the newline sequence when writing to the BMC in Terminal Mode.
0h = reserved
1h = <CR> (Factory default)
2h = <NULL>
All other = reserved