Setup Guide
Conguring a BGP peer
To congure a BGP neighbor or peer, you must provide the IP address and the AS number of each neighbor since BGP does not discover
the neighbor or peer. Neighbors that are present with the same AS communicate using IBGP while the neighbors that are present in
dierent AS communicate using EBGP. To allow the neighbor to establish a BGP session, you have to enable the neighbor by providing
neighbor no shutdown command. To congure BGP between two peers, use the following commands.
Following are the steps to congure a BGP peer. The following example conguration demonstrates how the congure a neighbor and IPv4
multicast address family. The default is IPv4 unicast address family.
• Enter the router conguration mode and the AS number.
router bgp as-number
• Add the IP address of the neighbor for the specied autonomous system.
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6–address | peer-group-name} remote-as as-number
• Enable the neighbor.
neighbor ip-address | ipv6-address | peer-group-name no shutdown
• Specify the IPv4 address family conguration.
address-family ipv4 [multicast | vrf vrf-name]
multicast — Species the IPv4 multicast address family.
vrf vrf-name — Species the name of VRF instance associated with the IPv4 address-family conguration.
• Enable the neighbor to exchange prexes for IPv4 unicast address family.
CONFIG-ROUTER-BGP-AF (Address Family) mode
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6–address | peer-group-name} activate
: Neighbors have to be activated using neighbor activate command in the respective address family. To
exchange other address prex types (IPv4 multicast or IPv6 unicast), the neighbors must be activated under the
respective address family conguration such as address-family ipv4 multicast (for IPv4 multicast)
address-family ipv6 unicast(for IPv6).
Example of conguring BGP Peers
DellEMC(conf)# router bgp 10
DellEMC(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor remote-as 200
DellEMC(conf-router_bgp)# neighbor no shutdown
DellEMC(conf-router_bgp)# address-family ipv4 multicast
DellEMC(conf-router_bgp_af)# neighbor activate
DellEMC(conf-router_bgp_af)# exit
Following is the sample output of show ip bgp ipv4 multicast summary command.
DellEMC# show ip bgp ipv4 multicast summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 10
BGP local RIB : Routes to be Added 0, Replaced 0, Withdrawn 0
1 neighbor(s) using 8192 bytes of memory
Neighbor AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/Pfx 200 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00 0
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)