White Papers

Dell™ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
-u $USERNAME p $PASSWORD -j utf-8 -y basic
-k IPAddress="[SHARE_IPADDRESS]" -k ShareName="/[DRIVESHARE]"
-k ShareType="0" -k Username="[SHARE_USERNAME]"
-k Password="[SHARE_PASSWORD]" k Passphrase="[PASSPHRASE]" -k ImageName="[IMAGENAME]" k
NOTE: The ShareName field should only be the folder exposed by the system to the network. Any sub
folder information should be attached to the ImageName field. Otherwise, there can be connection
issues when trying to locate/create the backup file.
Correct Example: ShareName=”/folder1”;ImageName=”subfolder/image_name”
In-Correct Example: ShareName=”/folder1/subfolder”;ImageName=”image_name”
18.2.3 Importing Server Profile from CIFS share-RestoreImage()
CIFS Share:
ShareType is “2”.
wsman invoke -a RestoreImage http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
Name=DCIM:LCService -h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-u $USERNAME p $PASSWORD -j utf-8 -y basic
-k IPAddress="[SHARE_IPADDRESS]" -k ShareName="/[DRIVESHARE]"
-k ShareType="2" -k Username="[SHARE_USERNAME]"
-k Password="[SHARE_PASSWORD]" k Passphrase="[PASSPHRASE]" -k ImageName="[IMAGENAME]" k
NOTE: The ShareName field should only be the folder exposed by the system to the network. Any sub
folder information should be attached to the ImageName field. Otherwise, there can be connection
issues when trying to locate/create the backup file.
Correct Example: ShareName=”/folder1”;ImageName=”subfolder/image_name”
In-Correct Example: ShareName=”/folder1/subfolder”;ImageName=”image_name”