White Papers
Reinitiate Auto-discovery
The input file ReInitiateDHS.xml containing the parameters for the ReInitiateDHS method is shown
<p:ReInitiateDHS_INPUT xmlns:p="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-
The PerformAutoDiscovery attribute can have the following values:
1 = off (disables auto discovery)
2 = Now (enables and initiates auto discovery immediately )
3 = NextBoot (delay reconfiguration & auto discovery until next power cycle)
This whitepaper has provided an overview of the auto-discovery reinitialize process and demonstrated
how it can be used to reinitiate or repurpose a Dell Power Edge Server. For more information please
refer to the following documents on the Dell Tech Center website and other Dell websites:
Lifecycle Controller 1.5 Web Services Interface Guide for Windows
Lifecycle Controller 1.5 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux
Dell Auto-Discovery Network Setup Specification
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