Owners Manual

Table Of Contents
 
 BIOS 
 
 BIOS    POST  (BIOS)
     ( )   (BIOS)
     ()  (BIOS)
 BIOS  Windows
 BIOS (),        
:  BitLocker   BIOS 
  BIOS  
1 
2  Dell.com/support
 Service Tag( ) Express Service Code()  Submit()
 Detect Product () 
3   Service Tag ( )  Choose from all products ()
4   
: 
5   Product Support()  
6  Get drivers (
)  Drivers and Downloads (
7  Find it myself ()
8  BIOS  BIOS
9  BIOS   
10 
 
  Download File()
 File Download()  
11  Save() 
12  Run()  BIOS 
:  BIOS    BIOS  1.0  7.0  4.0    7.0
Updating BIOS using USB ash drive
If the system cannot load into Windows but there is still a need to update the BIOS, download the BIOS le using another system and save
it to a bootable USB Flash Drive.
1 Download the BIOS update .EXE le to another system.
2 Copy the le Example: O9010A12.exe onto the bootable USB Flash drive.
3 Insert the USB Flash drive into the system that requires the BIOS update.
4 Restart the system and press F12 when the Dell logo appears to display the boot menu.
5 Using arrow keys, select USB Storage Device and press Return.
6 The system will boot to a Diag C:\> prompt