Reference Guide

Support to erase the components by using the systemerase
subcommand to remove the server from use.
Support to generate technical support report operations using the
techsupreport subcommand.
Support to view the host network interface details using the
gethostnetworkinterfaces subcommand.
Support to view the system performance monitoring operations using the
systemperfstatistics subcommand.
Addition of --includePH option in the get subcommand to include
password hash attributes in the configuration .xml file.
Support to perform sensor settings of the sensor using the
sensorsettings subcommand.
Support the following for the PCIe SSD drives:
Monitor or view properties
Identify drives using blink and unblink command
Addition of storage and system attributes to manage the backplane.
Addition of system attributes to manage configuration and recovery of
QuickSync settings.
Addition of TFTP and HTTP support to the autoupdatescheduler
Support for real time raid configuration using storage and jobqueue
Support to configure the SNMP alerts for SNMPv3 protocol.
Support for configuring the front panel USB using the iDRAC.USB
Support for <Home>, <Delete>, <up>, and <down> arrow keys in the
RACADM shell.
Addition of deprecated subcommands section.
Addition of legacy groups and objects and equivalent groups and objects
Supported RACADM Interfaces
The RACADM command-line utility provides a scriptable interface that allows
you to locally configure or remotely configure your Remote Access