White Papers

Enhancements to iDRAC7 Alert Notification
Configuring email alerts using RACADM commands
To configure the SMTP email server:
set command
racadm set iDRAC.RemoteHosts.SMTPServerIPAddress <SMTP Email Server IP
config command
racadm config -g cfgRemoteHosts -o cfgRhostsSmtpServerIpAddr <SMTP
Email Server IP Address>
To enable email alerts:
config command
racadm config -g cfgEmailAlert -o cfgEmailAlertEnable -i [index] [0|1]
where [index] is the email destination index and 0 disables the email alert or 1 enables the alert
The email destination index can be a value from 1 through 4. For example, to enable email
with index 4, use the following command:
racadm config -g cfgEmailAlert -o cfgEmailAlertEnable -i 4 1
set command
racadm set iDRAC.EmailAlert.Enable.[index] 1
where [index] is the email destination index and 0 disables the email alert or 1 enables the alert
The email destination index can be a value from 1 through 4. For example, to enable email
with index 4, enter the following command:
racadm set iDRAC.EmailAlert.Enable.4 1
To configure email settings:
config command
racadm config -g cfgEmailAlert -o cfgEmailAlertAddress -i 1 [email-
where 1 is the email destination index and [email-address] is the destination email address that
receives the platform event alerts
set command
racadm set iDRAC.EmailAlert.Address.1 [email-address]
where 1 is the email destination index and [email-address] is the destination email address that
receives the platform event alerts