Reference Guide

Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC7 Express or iDRAC7 Enterprise
Dependency None
BIOS.SysSecurity.PwrButton (Read or Write)
Description Enables or disables the power button on the front panel.
Legal Values
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC7 Express or iDRAC7 Enterprise
Dependency None
BIOS.SysSecurity.SetupPassword (Read or Write)
Description Setup the system password. Optional parameter –o
<string>is used with this object to provide old
password as an authentication for changing the
previously configured password to the new password.
The password can include the following:
Up to 32 characters including whitespace.
Contain numbers 0 through 9.
Only lower case alphabets are accepted.
Special characters accepted are +, ", ,, -, ., /, ;, [,
\, ], `.
To enable password modification, J_EN_PASSWD should
be installed.
To clear the already configured password, use the option
available under F2 (system setup) during system boot.
Legal Values String of up to 22 characters
Write Privilege Server Control
License Required iDRAC7 Express or iDRAC7 Enterprise
Dependency None
BIOS.SysSecurity.SysPassword (Read Only)
Provides the system password. Optional parameter –o
<string> is used with this object to provide old
password as an authentication for changing the
previously configured password to the new password.
The password can include the following: